What is the Real Cost of Manual eDiscovery?

In most cases, the DIY method is often the most cost-effective approach to do the job. There's a reason YouTube tutorials are so popular! However, there comes a time when the DIY spirit is more of a hindrance than a help. For corporate legal teams, the manual ediscovery process is the point. With the potential to preserve, review, and screen terabytes of data for a given case, the manual process is not only inefficient, but it is also almost impossible. Corporate legal teams are required to take additional responsibility even if their budgets are reduced. Finding ways to control and predict costs, as well as obvious costs, is more important than ever. There are also hidden costs that can be added quickly. Let's review some of the hidden expenses of manual ediscovery.


Even in fully staffed departments ediscovery providers, manual legal retention management, and data review significantly reduce time due to the huge amount of data. Most investigations are time-sensitive, with completion dates confirmed. The ability to review and screen data quickly and efficiently is important. Organizations that manage multiple litigations and regulatory issues have difficulty documenting legal preservation and conservation efforts, especially if they rely on manual processes and systems.


Some legal review teams use spreadsheets to manage administrators and responses, but these spreadsheets soon become intractable, increasing the risk of human error. Others use email acknowledgment to track whether a custodian has opened a legal hold notice. This method, apart from being cumbersome, does not require the keeper to confirm receipt. The passive act of opening an email is not a safeguard. Compiling this information manually and following up on the custodian also takes considerable time and resources.


Imagine manually calculating a set of emails that match a specific search term. There can be dozens or hundreds of them. Now imagine a colleague interrupting you with a question or inviting you to a two-hour meeting when a quarter of the data set has passed. How many emails did you process before you were distracted when you returned to your desk to restart your calculations? 71? 170? 717? Certainly, it's best to start over from scratch. Now you've lost work all day. The manual process also includes sending legal hold to each custodian individually and then tracking who doesn't respond immediately. This is not an efficient use of anyone's time.

Why opt for e-discovery software?

An e-discovery software allows companies to extract information from various sources: emails, public documents, private documents, attachments. The Discovery Master will provide businesses with increased operational control, improved collaboration capabilities, reduced redundancy, increased flexibility, and optimal productivity.

If it is not necessary, why are these costs hidden or not incurred? The latest cloud-based ediscovery software not only enables corporate legal departments to perform routine document reviews in-house, but also requires minimal training and employee resources and provides huge cost savings and security benefits. In addition, ediscovery software reduces the risk of human error, reduces the time required for document review, and provides a consistent process that is defensible and repeatable.

Screening ediscovery companies can be a difficult task. As a load of problem cases and the size of the problem increases, the importance of the decision may require more stakeholders to play a role in the selection process. As one of the top ediscovery vendors, we have seen many approaches to choosing a legal vendor.


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